Blackjack Sarna

3/30/2022by admin
Blackjack Sarna Average ratng: 5,0/5 1179 reviews
  1. The Blackjack Blackjack got a -R that a cGauss Rifle, cLpL, and 3xcMPLs (I would have gone 2x each cLB-10Xs and cERMLs personally; or 2x each cLPLs, cMPLs, and cERMLs with more DHS) BattleTech KS Thread! Mech Trade List Twitter! Dilige, et quod vis fac.
  2. Click chips from your bank to move them onto the table and make your bet. Click chips on the table to take them back. Click Deal, and the dealer will toss you two cards. Options to Hit, Stand.

Blackjack BJ-1 (Fire Support & Skirmisher) 45 28.5 120 4 3700000 The Blackjack 1 is equipped for both long and close range engagements. A pair of AC/2s are backed up by four Medium Lasers, lending the 'Mech a powerful alpha strike, while Jump Jets enable the Blackjack to move to high ground at a moment's notice.

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This article needs to be updated with material from Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 8. Once this title clears the Moratorium period, or if it already has, please consider revisiting this article and updating it with the new material, removing this tag once all information has been added.

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This article has completed Phase 5of the Overhaul effort.

This article is about the planet. For the BattleMech, see Blackjack (BattleMech).

Note: X and Y are coordinates (light years on XY plane) relative to Terra at (0, 0)


Blackjack nearby systems (3151)
(Map Legend)
System Information
X:Y Coordinates -156.905 : 364.43[e]
Spectral class G3V[1][2][3]
Recharge time 184 hours[1][2][3]
Recharge station(s) None[1][2][3]

The Blackjack system was home to at least one habitable world, Blackjack III, and as at 3145 was located in the Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.[4][5]

  • 1Blackjack
  • 2Blackjack III
    • 2.1Planetary History
    • 2.3Military Deployment

System Description[edit]

The Blackjack system was located near the Goat Path and Hot Springs systems[4][5] and consists of a class G3V primary orbited by at least three planets.[1][2][3]

System History[edit]


Blackjack was settled during or shortly before the Age of War.[6][7]


Planetary flag
System position 3rd[1][2][3]
Jump point
8.53 days[1][2][3]
Moons 2 (Club, Spade)[1][2][3]
Surface gravity 0.97[1][2][3]
Atmospheric pressure Standard (Breathable)[1][2][3]
Equatorial temperature 49°C (Arid-Desert)[1][2][3]
Surface water 31%[1][2][3]
Highest native life Reptile[1][2][3]
Reference Year 3067[1] - 3076[2] - 3079[3]
Capital Lott's Revenge[1][3]
Population 1,076,000,000 (3067)[1]
1,105,000,000 (3076-3079)[2][3]
Socio-Industrial Levels B-B-D-C-D[1][2][3]
HPG (Representative) B[1][2][3]

Blackjack III - more commonly referred to simply as Blackjack - is the fifth planet in the Black jack system and has two moons named Club and Spade.[1][2][3]

Planetary History[edit]

Early History[edit]

Blackjack was settled by English and French settlers from Terra. These early pioneers had come to Blackjack due to its accessible mineral wealth. Though ores were in limited qualities, heavy industry had built up on the planet. By the Second Succession War, the valuable ores had dried up and its industries were destroyed by Combine and Periphery Raiders.[1]

The planet became infamously known to being the home of the Blackjack School of Conflict, which continued to operate well into the mid-31st Century.

Clan Invasion[edit]

In August 3050, the Clan Jade Falcon's Delta Galaxy invaded the planet. In a Trial of Possession for Blackjack, the planet's only defenders was the Blackjack School's Training Battalion. Fighting the Second Falcon Jaegers, the training battalion had suffered 80 percent casualties. The Falcons were so impressed by the cadets' actions they let most of the survivors retreat from the planet.[1]

In 3052, Clan Steel Viper was given control of the planet and shortly after razed the Blackjack School.[8]

Lyran Alliance Invasion[edit]

During the Clan Jade Falcon's Incursion in the Lyran space, coalition of Lyran Alliance forces had counter-attacked the Falcon's Occupational Zone. In December 3064General Christifori led the Archer's Avengers in a Trial of Possession for Blackjack. The Lyran forces had set up their base in the ruins of the Blackjack School. In the course of the battle with the defending Eighth and Tenth Provisional Garrison Clusters the Trial of Possession had turned into a Trial of Annihilation due to events of various regiments on Twycross. In orbit above Blackjack the Lyran forces had an allied Clan Wolf in Exile'sWarShip, the Aegis-class heavy cruiser CWS Black Paw, providing support for them. The Black Paw engaged in battle with a Jade Falcon Warship, the Aegis-class CJF White Talon during conflict for Blackjack. The Black Paw also provided Orbit-to-Ground fire support for the Lyran troops. Six days into the conflict, General Adam Steiner arrived with reinforcements and assisted the increasingly weary Archer's Avengers. The Trial ended shortly after saKhanSamantha Clees arrived in system and declared the Lyrans winner of the trial.[9]

Second Falcon Incursion[edit]

Although the Lyran Alliance held the world in the late 3060s, they did little to actually improve the life of their former countrymen. The inhabitants of Blackjack maintained the Clan caste system they'd been living under for two decades, and the Alliance couldn't spare the money or manpower to rehabilitate them back into the Spheroid way of life.[2] The Falcons invaded again in late January 3069,[10] and this time the Alliance simply left the world in their hands after putting up a token fight.[2]

After retaking the planet the Jade Falcons rebuilt the Blackjack School of Combat as the Jade Falcon School of Conflict on Blackjack. On this campus the Clan maintained its traditional warrior training programs, with trueborns raised in sibkos and freeborns able to apply at age 13. Unlike other Falcon training sites, however, the Jade Falcon School of Combat on Blackjack also had a militia training facility. This was a much shorter program and trained its students to guard worlds and resources that didn't warrant front-line or second-line troops from the Falcon touman. The militia program's focus was on driving off raiding forces and operating in search-and-rescue operations.[2]

Political Affiliation[edit]

  • 2341 - No record [6]
  • 2571 - Lyran Commonwealth[7]
  • 2596 - Lyran Commonwealth [11]
  • 2750 - Lyran Commonwealth [12][13]
  • 2765 - Lyran Commonwealth [14]
  • 2822 - Lyran Commonwealth [15]
  • 2864 - Lyran Commonwealth [16]
  • 3025 - Lyran Commonwealth [17]
  • 3030 - Lyran Commonwealth [18]
  • 3040 - Federated Commonwealth[19][20]
  • 3050 - Federated Commonwealth [21] / Clan Jade Falcon (from August)[1]
  • 3052 - Clan Steel Viper[8][22][23]
  • 3057 - Clan Jade Falcon/Clan Steel Viper [24]
  • 3063 - Clan Jade Falcon [25]
  • 3064 - Lyran Alliance (from December) [9]
  • 3067 - Lyran Alliance [26]
  • 3069 - Clan Jade Falcon (from February)[10]
  • 3075 - Clan Jade Falcon [27]
  • 3079 - Clan Jade Falcon [28]
  • 3081 - Clan Jade Falcon [29]
  • 3085 - Clan Jade Falcon [30]
  • 3130 - Clan Jade Falcon [31]
  • 3135 - Clan Jade Falcon [32]
  • 3145 - Clan Jade Falcon [4][5]

Military Deployment[edit]


  • Blackjack Training Battalion[33]

Blackjack Sarna Trainer


  • Blackjack Training Battalion[34]

3054 to 3061[edit]

  • Eightieth Fang[35][36]


  • Rubinsky's Light Horse[37]


Blackjack has three continents, Diamond, Orbule and Vada.[3]

Planetary Locations[edit]

  • Blackjack School of Conflict - House Steiner Military academy, which was unique due to being the Commonwealth's only privately owned military school. The school was notorious for its courses shadier classes in less professional military skills. The School was razed in 3052 by Clan Steel Viper.[8] The School was subsequently rebuilt as the Jade Falcon School of Combat during the Jihad.
  • Lott's Revenge: the planetary capital city, located on Diamond.[3]

Blackjack Sarna

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 32 systems (30 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Goat Path 11.2Hot Springs 14.1Malibu 17.7Beta 20.0
Kookens Pleasure Pit 20.4Waldorff 25.7Roadside 28.5Alyina 32.2
Butler 32.6Pasig 32.9Blue Hole 33.7Golandrinas 36.0
Biegga 37.4Black Earth 37.5Derf 39.9Wotan 46.4
Kikuyu 46.8Denizli 47.1Apolakkia 47.1Mkuranga 47.2
Renren 47.3Chahar 47.9Parakoila 48.3Trell 48.5
Twycross 48.6Manx 53.7Clermont 54.4Devin 55.4
Mogyorod 58.5Babaeski 59.8Treeline 60.9Somerset 61.3


  1. House Steiner, pp. 80-81, 'Blackjack Planet Profile'
  2. and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, pp. 134, 'Clan Jade Falcon Key Worlds'
  3. The Clans, p. 14, 'Blackjack'
  4. Report: 3145, p. 39, 'Inner Sphere Map - [3145]'
  5. Manual: 3145, p. VI, 'Inner Sphere - 3145'
  6. 6.06.1Handbook: House Steiner, p. 13, 'Lyran Commonwealth at their Founding [2341] Map'
  7. 7.07.1Handbook: House Steiner, p. 25, 'Lyran Commonwealth after Age of War [2571] Map'
  8. Falcon Sourcebook, p. 41, Blackjack - Trial of Possession ends in defeat for Blackjack school students & school gets destroyed later.
  9. 9.09.1FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), p. 118, 'Blackjack' - Conflict between Archer's Avengers & Jade Falcons on Blackjack.
  10. 10.010.1Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 46, 'The Jihad In Review'
  11. Historical: Reunification War, p. 158, 'Inner Sphere Map [2596]'
  12. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 25, 'Rim Worlds Republic At the Fall of the Star League [2750]'
  13. Era Report: 2750, p. 36, 'Inner Sphere - 2750'
  14. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 10, 'Inner Sphere - 2765'
  15. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 36, 'Lyran Commonwealth after First Succession War [2822] Map'
  16. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 40, 'Lyran Commonwealth after Second Succession War [2864] Map'
  17. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 47, 'Lyran Commonwealth after Third Succession War [3025] Map'
  18. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 56, 'Lyran Commonwealth after Fourth Succession War [3030] Map'
  19. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 59, 'Lyran Commonwealth after War of 3039 [3040] Map'
  20. Historical: War of 3039, p. 132, 'Inner Sphere - 3040'
  21. Era Report: 3052, p. 11, 'Inner Sphere Map [3050]'
  22. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 61, 'Lyran Commonwealth after Clan Invasion [3052] Map'
  23. Era Report: 3052, p. 23, 'Inner Sphere Map [3052]'
  24. Era Report: 3062, p. 11, 'Inner Sphere Map [3057]'
  25. Era Report: 3062, p. 29, 'Inner Sphere Map [3063]'
  26. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 70, 'Lyran Alliance after FedCom Civil War [3067] Map'
  27. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 65, 'Inner Sphere [3075] Map'
  28. Field Report: LAAF, p. 19, 'Lyran Commonwealth Deployment Map [3079]'
  29. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63, 'Inner Sphere Map - [March 3081]'
  30. Field Manual: 3085, p. 127, 'Inner Sphere Map - [October 3085]'
  31. Map of the Inner Sphere 3130
  32. Era Report: 3145, p. 11, 'Inner Sphere Map - [3135]'
  33. Historical: War of 3039, p. 138 'Deployment Table'
  34. 20 Year Update, p. 24, 'Federated Commonwealth Deployment Table'
  35. Objective Raids, p. 58, 'Unit Note'
  36. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 166, 'Warden Clans Deployment Table'
  37. Merceanries Supplemental, p. 68, Mercenary Employment Table


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