Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List
- Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion Listing
- Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List By Name
- Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List Crawler
- Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List 2020

Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion Listing
The article linked above (and here) offers a few statistics on Illinois's statewide casino self-exclusion plan. In mid-April, 2014, there were more than 10,600 people on the self-exclusion list. Since the initiation of the program in 2002, 'there have been 3,477 instances where self-excluded gamblers had been caught [in violation of their exclusion orders], with 3,399 of the incidents resulting in arrests.' Many of these violators are caught when they win a jackpot exceeding $1,200, as the collection of such winnings requires identification. When a 'winner' is found to be on the self-excluded list, he or she is not allowed to keep the jackpot. So far, casinos have 'confiscated $1.5 million of winnings from self-excluded gamblers, who then get to decide which of three addiction centers their money goes to.'[The headline and the early part of the linked article might be confusing to the Self-Exclusion reader, as these refer to excluding some undesirable people from operating on the supply side of video gambling. The material on voluntary exclusions for gamblers comes later in the article.]
Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List By Name
The Illinois Voluntary Self-Exclusion Policy states: Section 3000.745 Voluntary Self-Exclusion Policy The Board shall provide a procedure whereby a person who acknowledges that he or she has a gambling problem may self-identify and self-exclude himself or herself from the area within the turnstiles of Illinois riverboat gaming operations. Regarding casinos, currently persons who enroll in the Illinois Gaming Board's Self-Exclusion Program are excluded from all Illinois casinos as well as all casinos and operations owned by Caesar's Entertainment Inc., Boyd Gaming Inc and Penn National Gaming Inc. Caesar's Entertainment is the largest casino company in the world and owns casinos. Illinois Gaming Board officials acknowledge the technology to create a self-exclusion list exists but said that implementing it across the state’s 6,800 video gambling locations poses a huge hurdle and would likely lead to steep revenue declines. Once you’re on the exclusion list, it’s your responsibility to stay out of gambling spaces and off gambling websites. However, the program involves gambling licensees as well. If you’re on the exclusion list and enter a gambling facility, the gaming facility must notify your presence to law enforcement.

Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List Crawler
Section 3000.750 Establishment of a Self-Exclusion List
a) Any person who acknowledges that he or she has a gambling problem may request of the Board that he or she be excluded voluntarily from the area within the admission turnstiles of all riverboat gaming operations in Illinois on a permanent basis, except as limited by Section 3000.780. A person shall be placed on the Self-Exclusion List upon submission of all information and completion and execution of all forms required under Section 3000.755, as enforced by the Administrator.
b) Any person placed on the Self-Exclusion List shall be prohibited for a minimum of 5 years from entering the area within the admission turnstiles of any riverboat gaming operation in the State of Illinois. Any gaming operation in the United States owned or operated by an affiliate of an Illinois riverboat gaming operation may, in its sole discretion, prohibit a person placed on the Self-Exclusion List from entering its affiliated gaming operations. Any gaming regulatory agency in any state with which the Board enters into an agreement to share confidentially the information contained in the Self-Exclusion List may, in its sole discretion, prohibit a person placed on the Self-Exclusion List from entering any gaming operation within its jurisdiction.
Illinois Gambling Self-exclusion List 2020

c) The Administrator shall maintain the Self-Exclusion List in a confidential manner.
(Source: Amended at 31 Ill. Reg. 8098, effective June 14, 2007)