Title 31 Casino Test
Looking for online definition of 31 or what 31 stands for? 31 is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations. What is Title 31 intended to prevent? MONEY LAUNDERING: What constitutes 'Identification' under Title 31? (1) VALID PHOTO ID; (2) SS#, TAX ID#, or EIN#; (3) LEGAL NAME & PHYSICAL ADDRESS; (4) DATE OF BIRTH. Can a expired photo ID be valid under Title 31? Yes, so long as its not more than thirty days expired. What are the approved forms of PHOTO ID? Although Title 31, also known as the Bank Secrecy Act, was originally focused on financial institutions, criminal use of banking services located within casinos created a need for additional regulations that were specific to casinos. This training website will provide you with all of the information needed to pass the Title 31 exam during your employment at any of the three Red Lake gaming properties. Your knowledge of the Title 31 requirements is critical to your casino's continued compliance with the Currency Transaction Reporting by Casinos and Suspicious Activity. Preparing Your Property for a Title 31/AML IRS Compliance Examination May 3, 2016. Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 South Virginia Street Reno, Nevada 89502. Registration: $195 Per Person. The seminar price includes continental breakfast and lunch. The price also includes all seminar materials. Click here to Register.

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The following are typical regulations posted by most, if not all, United Statescasinos.
The following types of cash-in (customer to casino) transactions are to be reportedwhen the total (single or aggregated) exceeds $10,000 in a 24 hour period.
- Currency for currency exchanges
- Tournament of other player buy-in
- Cash buy-ins at the table games
- Cash wagers
- Any other cash-in transactions
The following types of cash-out (casino to customer) transactions are to be reportedwhen the total exceeds $10,000 in a 24 hour period.
- Check cashing
- Cashing out of gaming chips or tokens
- Jackpot payouts
- Currency for currency exchanges
- Tournament of other cash payouts
- Any other cash-out transactions
The casino is legally obligated to comply with these regulations. Please keep this inmind if an employee of the casino requests information from you in an effort to complywith the regulations. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Title 31 of the Bank Secrecy Act requires that casinos report cash transactions inexcess of $10,000. Whenever transactions between a customer and the casino exceeds $10,000in cash-in or cash-out in a 24 hour gaming day a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) must befilled by the casino with the Internal Revenue Service. In addition to the amount of thetransactions, the CTR must also include:
- Customer name
- Permanent Address
- Social Security Number
The casino must verify your identity via a drivers license, passport or other form ofpicture ID. The law also requires that all cash-in transactions be aggregated together. Inaddition, the law requires that all cash-out transactions be aggregated together. Cash-intransactions must be aggregated separately from cash-out transactions.
When an individual conducts a transaction on behalf of another customer, that person isconsidered an agent and information on both individuals must be records and verified.Casino employees are prohibited from advising customers on how to circumvent Title 31reporting.
Last Update: 10/06/98
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Currency Transaction Reporting
Product Summary
In addition to the CTR (Title 31) tutorial described below, we have a new tutorial on Suspicious Activities. Both are now available on the Internet.

Title 31 training is regarded by many casinos as dull, unimaginative and a never-ending obligation. Guided Learning's interactive multimedia program is not as much fun as an hour at the craps table, but most trainees find it stimulating and interesting, and managers of cage operations find a tedious burden has been lifted. In less than an hour casino personnel are tutored in all aspects of CTR requirements, then tested on their knowledge. The program covers the federal andor state requirements (briefly), then goes into the casino's specific policies and procedures for reportable transactions and patron identification.
The program is available in both DOS and Windows versions, and will run on any network.
Originally developed for Harrahs and the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City in 1997, the program has been adapted and customized to the requirements of different states and to the desired 'look and feel' of several casinos throughout the U.S., including several tribal casinos.

In practice, more than 80% of casino personnel completing the course have scored 80% or better their first time through the course. There are separate tracks for personnel in different departments (pit, cage, slots, marketing) and with different levels of experience. The program has been written to an 8th grade reading level, so is entirely comprehensible by people with a wide range of academic preparation.
Title 31 Casino Test Positive
A full examination copy is available to qualified casino management; call (908) 236-7973 or fax (908) 236-7973.